For me, meditation simply put, is a time to be still and get in touch with your true self. It is about becoming more present in your life and developing a peace that radiates from you from the inside out.
Common Misconceptions About Meditation:
- Meditation Is A Religion, A Religious Practice? No, it is neither. Anyone of any faith or no faith can meditate. It is a mental practice.
- Meditation Is Difficult. Meditation is not difficult. Once you learn the proper techniques, you will realize how easy and effortless meditation is.
- Meditation takes too much time. After you begin your meditation practice, you will find that you actually have more time. This is because your practice will guide you to be more present in your life. You will waste far less time than you did before you started meditating.
- You have to stop thinking in order to meditate. This is not possible for anyone. We simply cannot stop our thoughts. But with meditation, we can learn how to guide them.
- It takes years of practice to see benefits of meditation. This is not true. In fact, after practicing meditation just a few times, you can start to see the benefits.